Create by Jeff Bow: Your Life, Your Way

Most Popular Episode Season 1 - Hooponopono - A Meditation

Season 1 Episode 14

I wanted to take the time to repost the most listened to episode in Season 1 in case you missed it.

This episode, Ho'oponopono - A Meditation,is a guided meditation that takes you through major portals of your body. It is designed to bring awareness to these specific areas and to bring each area back into balance. The listener is guided back to their authentic truth and foundation of love. 

Jeffery Bow  0:04  
Aloha, and welcome to Create: Your Life Your Way. My name is Jeff bow, and I'm here to serve you as a healer, master certified life coach and Kahu. I will be sharing insights, tips and suggestions to support you on your healing journey. In essence, it's helping to bring you to a place of happiness, authenticity and truth. What do you say? Let's get started. 

Welcome to this episode, Ho'oponopono: A Meditation. Today's podcast is a guided meditation. So please download and listen at a time when you're not driving, working or using equipment. Make sure you can be in a place to relax, fully concentrate and be free of any distractions. I also suggest using headphones if possible. 

We think of cleaning our physical space, which could be your home, car or office. We even clean our physical bodies with a detox, cleanse or eating better. Today's Ho'oponopono Meditation is to help support you to cleanse your emotional body. Ho'oponopono means to make right, to bring into balance. You may not realize the amount of what I would call 'emotional sludge' that accumulates over time. This Ho'oponopono is an opportunity to release and cleanse anything that no longer serves you and to replace it with love. 

Take the time now to get settled in a comfortable environment and space. You will hear this sound at the beginning of the meditation and at the end, I will have brief pauses during the meditation to give you time to reflect. Release any expectation of how it should be done. How you should sit or what your mind is thinking. Let go of the should and have to's. As we say in coaching, don't should on yourself. There's no wrong way to do this. Today is about being fully immersed in the experience, whatever and however it turns out to be. If your mind gets distracted, you can say this mantra in Hawaiian in sets of three. Aloha Mana Pono, Aloha Mana Pono, Aloha Mana Pono. For the purposes of this meditation, it translates to love, energy, balance. I will be using the Hawaiian word hā interchangeably for the word breath. So get comfortable and relax, silence your cell phone or remove yourself from any distractions. 

So before we begin that guided meditation, take the time to think of three things that you are grateful for. Take a brief moment to think of the first things that come to mind.

Now, think of three examples of love. This can be people, places, animals, things, even food. Pick a brief moment to think of the first things that come to mind.

So take a couple of seconds to feel that energy of love and gratitude.

Now let's begin the guided meditation.

Aloha ke akua. Na aumakua Mau ola. E olu olu oe, E ho'opomaika'i. Kou Kakou Ohana.

Mahalo ke akua. Na Aumakua Mau Loa. 
 Amama Ua Noa.

Take a slow slow, deep breath, pause and exhale.

Take another deep breath. Pause and then exhale.

Let go of any tension you're holding on to relax your face. Relax your shoulders.

Focus on your breath coming in from the top of your head. And as you exhale, imagine the exhalation through your belly button, Piko Piko, as we call it.

Do this one more time. Focus your breath coming in through the top of your head and exhaling through your piko or belly button.

As you relax and breathe naturally. Notice any areas of tension in your body.

Let's start at your head. Feel the connection to your loved ones and ancestors. Breathe your hā as you focused on your head area and see if there is any resistance. As you breathe, release any tension that may have come up. Aloha Mana Pono,  Aloha Mana Pono, Aloha Mana Pono.

Let's focus on the heart area. The area of love. Take a deep breath and slowly exhale as you take a deep breath, fill yourself with love. And as you begin to exhale, use your hā as you release any sorrow, pain, emptiness or loneliness.

Take another breath and as you exhale, use your hall fill your empty space is in your heart with unconditional love now.

Aloha Mana Pono, Aloha Mana Pono, Aloha Mana Pono.

Let's move down to your opu or stomach area and place our attention there. I invite you to take a deep breath and relax.

Take another deep breath. And as you exhale your hā release any anger, resentment, fear, worry or anxiety.

Take another deep breath. And as you exhale, feel the fluidness of your breath.

Take another deep breath and as you exhale, notice a smooth, long exhale.

Take another breath and as you exhale, feel all areas of your opu with love from your Divine Source.

Aloha Mana Pono, Aloha Mana Pono, Aloha Mana Pono.

Now let's move down to your hips. Take a deep breath and slowly exhale your hips store memories.

Take another breath and as you exhale your hā release any imbalance, disharmony or unwanted memories.

Take another breath. As you exhale slowly forgive anyone that may have hurt you.

Let's do this one more time. Breathe your hā in from your Divine Source, and as you slowly exhale, forgive anyone that may have hurt you or caused you harm.

Take another breath. And as you exhale your hā, ask for forgiveness from anyone that you may have hurt.

Take a breath of love. And as you exhale, fill your hip area with unconditional love. Every corner, every nook, every cranny.

Aloha Mana Pono, Aloha Mana Pono, Aloha Mana Pono.

Let's move down to your knees. Knees are the area of support. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, ask for support in any area of your life that you may need it. It could be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, relationships, or anywhere you may need support.

Take another breath and feel the energy of love and support as you exhale.

Aloha Mana Pono, Aloha Mana Pono, Aloha Mana Pono.

Now, we travel down to your ankles. Take a breath from your Divine Source and exhale your hā.

Take another breath and as you slowly exhale your hā, ask for guidance and companionship from your Divine Presence along your life's journey.

Take another breath and feel from the top of your head to the tips of your finger down to your toes. The healing support from your Divine Source

Aloha Mana Pono, Aloha Mana Pono, Aloha Mana Pono.

Now Take another deep breath and as you exhale your hā, fill your body from the top of your head to the soles of your feet with love, unconditional love.

Aloha Mana Pono, Aloha Mana Pono, Aloha Mana Pono.

Take a moment to bask in this wonderful love energy.

Imagine this love energy, overflowing and radiating around you touching your family, friends, and everyone around.

Then imagine it spreading out even further to your neighbors, co workers and community.

Now, they help you to spread it out to the whole city or state you are in. This loving, healing energy moves throughout the world. Now through your positive thoughts and network of amazing lightworkers that you have positively impacted.

This loving energy now raises the consciousness and vibration of the world. Breathe your hā.

Look back at the impact you just made on the world by clearing your energy. One person can make a difference in this world. And you just did.

Take a deep breath and exhale and cover your body in gratitude.

Let's do this again. Take a deep breath and ask Exhale and cover your body in gratitude.

Let's do this one more time. Take a deep breath and exhale and cover your body in gratitude.

Slowly open your eyes. wiggle your toes and fingers. Bring your wonderful presence back into the space you are in.

Aumakua, Mai ka po wai ola, Ho’ikea Mai i ke ola, Aumakua, Mai ka po wai ola, Ho’ikea Mai i ke ola, Aumakua, Mai ka po wai ola, Ho’ikea Mai i ke ola