Create by Jeff Bow: Your Life, Your Way

I Can See Clearly- A Meditation

Season 1 Episode 12

This episode is a meditation to support your vision. In the last podcast, you had an opportunity to create a vision board for what you wanted in your life, your way.  This meditation allows you to go deeper and to experience what it would be like to manifest your vision. 

Jeffery Bow  0:04  
Aloha, and welcome to Create Your Life, Your Way. My name is Jeff bow, and I'm here to serve you as a healer, master certified life coach and kahu. I will be sharing insights, tips and suggestions to support you on your healing journey. In essence, it's helping to bring you to a place of happiness, authenticity and truth. What do you say? Let's get started.

Aloha, and welcome to this episode, I can see clearly a Meditation. Today's podcast is a guided meditation so please download and listen at a time when you're not driving, working or use any equipment. Make sure you can be in a place to relax, fully concentrate and be free of any distractions. I also suggest using headphones if possible.

The last podcast episode was vision board creating your life your way. Today we will be doing a meditation on the vision board that you created. If you didn't get a chance to listen to that episode, you can do so now and come back to this meditation, after you have completed your vision board.

Now let's take the time to get settled in a comfortable environment and space. You will hear this the beginning of the meditation, and at the end, I will have brief pauses during the meditation to give you time to reflect.

Release any expectation of how it should be done. How you should sit or what your mind is thinking. Let go of the should and half twos, as we say in coaching, don't should on yourself. That's a funny thing, isn't it? There's no wrong way. Today is about being fully immersed in the experience, whatever and however it turns out to be

If your mind gets distracted, you can say this mantra in Hawaiian in sets of three Aloha Mana Lokahi, Aloha Mana Lokahi, Aloha Mana Lokahi. For the purposes of this meditation, it translates to love energy harmony.

Now get comfortable and relaxed silence your cell phone or remove yourself from any distractions Now let's begin the meditation

Aloha Ke Akua
 Na Aumakua Mau Loa
 E oluolu oe,
 E ho’opomaika’i
 Kou Kakou ohana

Mahalo, Ke Akua,
 Na Aumakua Mau Loa
 Amama Ua Noa

Take a slow deep breath, pause, then exhale

Take another deep breath.

Pause, then exhale

Let go of any tension you're holding on to. Relax your face. Relax your shoulders. Focus on your breath or Ha, coming in from the top of your head. And as you exhale, imagine the exhalation through your belly button, Piko piko as we call it.

Do this one more time. Focus your breath coming in through the top of your head and exhaling through your piko or belly button

As you relax and breathe naturally, notice any areas of tension in your body.

Inhale slowly pause and as you exhale, imagine all the tension in your body dissolving.

Let's do this one more time.

Inhale slowly, pause and as you exhale, imagine all the tension in your body dissolving.

Aloha Mana Lokahi, Aloha, Mana Lokahi, Aloha, Mana Lokahi

Imagine the most amazing outdoor garden as you step into the garden, take a moment to notice your surroundings, what do you see? smell, hear and feel?

What are you drawn to?

Is there anything blocking your way?

Look for the shed on the property to your right or left. In it are the magical tools that will remove any blockages on your path without any effort.

Move on to the shed and open it. Look at all the tools and grab the one that resonates with you the most. Each tool has a beaming aura and ready for work. As you grab the tool of your choice, you notice the aura gets brighter. The colors come alive and you feel the connection as if you have used this tool before.

Take a deep breath as you look out into the garden, pause, then slowly exhale your ha or breath as you feel your body at ease and comfortable.

As you look towards the back of the garden, you see a small opening that's almost covered. Make your way to the opening. If there are any obstacles along the way, use your handy tool that you got from the shed. Just touching the obstacle clears the path, regardless of how big it is.

You continue on your way to the back of this magical garden towards the small vine covered opening. You can see light shining through the opening that are the colors of the rainbow.

Take the time now to thank your Source of Divine Presence for all that is right in your life. For everything you're grateful for in this world.

Your body is filled with gratitude. All your worries and fears have disappeared. You're optimistic and excited at the possibilities ahead in your life.

Go closer to the opening. And as you approach the opening, begin to touch the vines with your magic tool. The opening has now become expansive and clear. When you are ready, slowly walk into the entrance.

What do you see, feel, hear and sense?

Breathe and all the goodness that you feel.

As you look around, you begin to notice that the things on your vision board appear effortlessly as if it were magic.

You walk towards each manifestation and are in awe.

You see and feel everything you had dreamed.

You feel the energy of your Source of Divine Presence as you stand in amazement.

Take it all in and breathe

Aloha Mana Lokahi, Aloha Mana Lokahi, Aloha, Mana Lokahi

It is time for you to leave

You give thanks for this magical moment as you head back towards the opening in the secret garden. As you enter the opening, which you came through, you look at the path and garden that you came from. You notice that the colors are more vibrant. You breathe the fresh air and hear all the wonderful sounds that you didn't notice before the birds chirping the trees gently swaying in the breeze and the leaves rustling around your feet as you walk back to where you started.

Take a deep breath and look back towards where the secret garden was. As you exhale, feel the essence of what you experienced there for it is within you now.

Now take another deep breath and as you exhale, your ha fill your body from the top of your head to the soles of your feet with love. Unconditional Love

Aloha Mana Lokahi Aloha, Mana Lokahi Aloha Mana Lokahi take a moment to bask in this wonderful love energy. Imagine this love energy overflowing and radiating around you touching your family, friends and everyone around. Imagine it spreading out even further to your neighbors, co workers and community.

They help you to spread it out even further to the whole city or state you're in. This loving healing energy moves throughout the world now through your positive thoughts and network of amazing light workers that you have positively impacted. This loving energy now raises the consciousness and vibration of the world. Breathe

Look back at the impact you just made on the world by manifesting your vision and dream. One person can make a difference in this world. And you just did.

Take a deep breath and exhale and cover your body in gratitude. Let's do this three times. Take another deep breath and exhale cover your body in gratitude. Take one more deep breath exhale and cover your body in gratitude.

Slowly open your eyes. Wiggle your toes and fingers. Bring your wonderful presence back into this space. You're in.

Aumakua, Mai ka po wai ola, Ho’ikea Mai i ke ola. Aumakua, Mai ka po wai ola, Ho’ikea Mai i ke ola. Aumakua, Mai ka po wai ola, Ho’ikea Mai i ke ola