Create by Jeff Bow: Your Life, Your Way

Vision Board - Creating Your Life, Your Way

Season 1 Episode 11

Have you ever had a vision or dream that was so compelling you couldn't forget it? A vision board can help you to put your vision or dream in pictures, words or sayings together in one place that can be a reminder of what you would like to create. It is the beginning of the intention and manifestation process. A vision board can help to inspire you take to action in the form of small steps everyday to bring you closer to your dreams. This episode of Create by Jeff Bow: Your Life, Your Way outlines and simplifies the process of creating a vision or dream board. 

Jeffery Bow  0:02  
Have you ever wondered how to create a vision board that can support your dreams and wishes? This simple and fun exercise on today's podcast may be able to help.

Aloha and welcome to Create Your Life Your Way. My name is Jeff Bow, and I'm here to serve you as a healer, master certified life coach and Kahu. I will be sharing insights, tips and suggestions to support you on your healing journey. In essence, it's helping to bring you to a place of happiness, authenticity and truth. What do you say? Let's get started. 

Welcome to this episode, vision board, creating your life your way. This is an opportunity to dream to look beyond your current circumstance. It is invitation to yourself to set the intention of a better future, a future you create and design your life your way. A vision board also known as a dream board or dream shield, you can call it whatever works for you. For the purposes of this podcast, I will call it a vision board. The main thing is that you take action and do one to help support where you want to be in life and how you would like to live. 

Generally speaking, there are different levels of visioning. Your definition for timeframes and your perception of short and long term may differ. Let's take a look at the options. Short term, less than one year. Long term greater than one year. Laser vision or focus, specific and task oriented. 

Let's start with the long term vision. Let this be wide open for your interpretation. One of the things to remember is that your vision will be for this point in time in your life. It represents your current aspirations, hopes and dreams. There's no wrong way to create your vision and it will change and evolve as you do. Create your wildest ultimate inspiring, sensual and juicy vision dripping with all the emotions you will feel when you're living in that reality. Incorporate all the senses touch, taste, smell, feeling, seeing, and even your sixth sense of intuition. Dedicate the time to write down unedited what your ultimate life would look like and use as many sheets of paper that you will need to capture the essence of where you would love to be in this lifetime. 

Let's take a look at the short term vision. A short term vision is excellent for helping to break down your largest most audacious dream. Looking at where you are in your life and comparing it to your highest potential may be overwhelming at first. A short term vision allows you to chunk it down into smaller more manageable bits. This will help to build confidence and reduce the fear and intimidation of your awesome dream. Not chunking it down would be like having a vision to be a triathlete, but never having run more than two miles or never gone swimming. As absurd as it may seem. We often do this to ourselves when it comes to our dreams, then we get disappointed and give up. In the example I just mentioned, a first small step may be to extend your running from two to three miles, you may start to swim a short distance in a pool as well. What would be your first small step? 

In our third type of visioning, it's a laser vision or focus. This is specific and usually task oriented. An example would be if you were a salesperson and wanted to become the sales manager. There are many other examples that you could think of in your life if you wanted something with a clear laser vision or focus. 

So now let's take a look at how do we create this vision board or dream shield. Create a visual representation of your collective thoughts, dreams, aspirations and ultimate life. A vision board is something that will stimulate the senses and inspire you to keep moving forward every day. 

There are many versions of this process I was introduced to this by Kathleen Thurston, a Fung shui consultant, who later became my friend. I have found this to be an effective tool for the visionary process. I invite you to give this a try.

You will need the following supplies. A foam core or other rigid board approximately 20 inches wide by 32 inches high, but the board can really be any size. My thought is the bigger the dream, the bigger the board or get whatever size will fit in your car, or where you would place it in your home or office. Another thing you will need is a lot of magazines that you like. You'll need a pair of scissors, and you'll need glue. nontoxic. A rubber cement tight works well or a glue stick. You'll also need marking pins to draw or write and music. Music is optional, but I highly recommend it. 

Here's how to get started. Set aside approximately two hours where you will not be disturbed and can dedicate this time completely to yourself. If you decide to do this with a partner, there should not be any talking or sharing of supplies except the magazines. Shut off your cell phone. No talking includes any comments good or bad on anyone's board. There is no wrong way to do this. Whatever you do, it will be perfect. 

If you decide to have music, put on your favorite music, find a comfortable spot on the floor table or wherever you can spread out. Look through the magazines to find pictures, words or anything that can resonate with you cut or tear them out. At this point, you can paste it onto your board as you go along or collect them and paste them later. Arrange images, sayings, drawings, or writing your board according to whatever inspires or moves you. Note you can have as many or as few images that you want. Remember, this is your creation. After you have completed the board, place it in a spot where you can look and feel the essence of what you have created. This is a really important step. Take as much time as you need in the hustle and bustle of life, to take the time to really value of who you are and the Life You Want To Live is critical in anchoring your intentional vision. On the back of the board, write your name, the date and place of creation. I like to note the dates as things begin to manifest and a short note of the manifestation on the back as well. As I mentioned previously, this can be done separately with a spouse, partner or friend. I highly suggest no talking or commenting on each other's boards. It's not about impressing anyone else except yourself. Couples or partners can also do one together. Again, no talking, pointing or gesturing. Let it happen organically. As a coach, I have seen amazing things happen through this process. Good luck on your vision board project. Make it fun, relaxing, exciting and inviting for you to dream your ultimate life. 

Thank you for joining me on this episode, vision board, creating your life your way. I appreciate you taking the time to listen to this podcast. Please share it with anyone that you can think of that can benefit from this information. It would be an honor if you took the time to visit for more information about me and my services. That's There is a complimentary life balance wheel that you can sign up for if you choose. A Hui hou, malama pono. Until we meet again. Take good care