Create by Jeff Bow: Your Life, Your Way

3 Questions Part 2 of 2

Season 1 Episode 10

This episode of Create by Jeff Bow, Your Life Your Way brings you 3 questions. This is an opportunity to really think about what is important in your life. To ask yourself, what brings you happiness. How do you want to move forward in your life with inspiration, excitement and fun? This is Part 2 of a 2 part series. It is designed for you to take the time so that you can really put some thought into this. 

I wish you luck on your journey and many blessings to you!

Jeffery Bow  0:02  
Aloha, and welcome to Create Your Life Your Way. My name is Jeff Bow, and I'm here to serve you as a Healer, Master Certified Life Coach and Kahu. I will be sharing insights, tips and suggestions to support you on your healing journey. In essence, it's helping to bring you to a place of happiness, authenticity and truth. What do you say? Let's get started. 

Aloha, and thank you for joining me today on this episode of three questions. This is part two of two. Today, we'll be exploring the three questions on a deeper level. In part one, you had an opportunity to think about and write down your answers to the three inquiry questions. I purposely wanted to give you time to reflect and look deeper within. Take out your answers to Part One as we move on to part two, so you can take notes. Pause this podcast anytime you need more time to take notes. Let's take a look further into these questions. 

Here we go. The first question was, what do you really want in your life? Say what you want and not something you don't want, but structure it as a want. Most people do not know what they really want. They may know that they are not happy, fulfilled, really passionate about something. Many times people want something like a physical object, such as a car, to be with a person, a home, etc. Absolutely nothing wrong with these things. It depends on what the true intent is behind the want. Is it for happiness, or to check off your list or a part of your overall vision of what you would like to create? Many times material things only bring temporary happiness. Think of when you got a new car, a new phone, new shoes, a purse, a surfboard, etc. How long did the elation last? This is true for motivational seminars, workshops or trainings too. How long did the inspiration last. 

Some people can become addicted to self help programs and become serial self helpers under the disguise of self improvement, always looking for the next fix or next best thing. A person can spend 1000s of dollars on these. Again, it's not these programs that are the issue. It is the intent behind why it is being done. In the search for what we really want, some of these workshops or programs may be beneficial and a catalyst to help you move forward in a direction that serves you better. This is awesome. 

It's important to look at what you want and ask yourself, how will this affect other areas of my life, if I do get it? Why do you really want this? Is it to enhance your life, or to fill a void? How will this change the harmony of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well being? It's important to be ultra clear in defining and asking for what you want, so that the universe can conspire in your favor. Once you ask, let it go and embrace the knowing that it is in the making. Release any expectation of how, when or where it will manifest for you. As an example of clarity, you want a home. You're thinking of buying a home? Well think about this? What type or style of home do you want? What is the home made of? What is the feeling you want when you walk into the house? Where do you want the home to be? What state and what country? How big is the lot? Is the home in the woods, the city, a farming community? Or where is it located? I think you get the idea. The more specific and clearer you are, the faster your intention can manifest itself.

So be aware of this. Many times our critical self downplays our greatest desires. It's important to explore and resolve these issues. Ask yourself, Am I critical of other people's success or how happiness?  This could be an indicator that your own critical voice is a blockage to your own manifestation. In asking yourself, what do I really want, think about what brings you happiness, and is not contingent on anything else. 

So the second question was, what has prevented you from getting what you want in number one? It's very important in this step to release any blame or judgment. Now is the time to take self responsibility for your future. There could be many tangible reasons, such as the lack of finances, kids are still in school, or you could be a single parent. These are legitimate reasons that may affect the timeline of what you really want. The main thing is that you think about these things and determine whether or not they're being used as excuses to cover the following potential blockages such as ego, fear, self doubt, insecurity, fear of failing, a lack mentality, rather than an abundance mindset or even a victim energy. If you can determine what it is that is stopping you from getting what you really want, you can change, modify, or eliminate the blockage. Take a look at what you wrote down and take some time to think about this for a moment. This is a very important step.

This leads us to the third question, which was, what action can you take or what change can you make to take a step towards what you want? Without action, it is very difficult, if not impossible for you to move closer towards what you really want. If you do not take action, you will be living by your circumstances and not by your dreams. I asked this question a lot regarding action. Have you ever been at home watching TV and saw something and said, I had that idea! Many have, except someone took the initiative to make it happen? Someone invested their time, money, knowledge, skills, intuition, and took a chance on their dreams or vision. You can take small steps instead of huge leaps and bounds. What would be the small steps for you to move closer to what you really want? 

How would you complete this sentence? If I were brave, I would....

Take some time to write down your thoughts. So make a list of all the possibilities without judgment, brainstorm ideas, then group similar action steps together and come up with your action plan. Do this for all of your ideas. If in review, something doesn't resonate, cross it off the list. During this process, if something flashes in your mind, write it down. You can manifest what you want with clarity on these three questions. 

Thank you for joining me on this episode, Three Questions that can change your life, Part Two of two. I appreciate you taking the time to listen to this podcast. Please share it with anyone that you can think of that can benefit from this information. It would be an honor if you took the time to visit. for more information about me and my services, that's There is a complimentary life balance wheel that you can sign up for if you choose. A hui hou, malama pono! Until we meet again, take good care