Create by Jeff Bow: Your Life, Your Way

3 Questions Part 1 of 2

Season 1 Episode 9

This episode of Create by Jeff Bow, Your Life Your Way brings you 3 questions. This is an opportunity to really think about what is important in your life. To ask yourself, what brings you happiness. How do you want to move forward in your life with inspiration, excitement and fun? This is Part 1 of a 2 part series. It is designed for you to take the time so that you can really put some thought into this. 

I wish you luck on your journey and many blessings to you!

Jeffery Bow  0:02  
Aloha, and welcome to Create Your Life, Your Way. My name is Jeff bow and I'm here to serve you as a Healer, Master Certified Life Coach and Kahu. I will be sharing insights, tips and suggestions to support you on your healing journey. In essence, it's helping to bring you to a place of happiness, authenticity and truth. What do you say? Let's get started.

Thank you for joining me today on this episode of three questions. Today's podcast is an opportunity to put some thought and time into your future. This is part one of two. Today's Part one is about posing the inquiry questions. Part Two of two, we'll be exploring the three questions on a deeper level. I invite you to set aside some quiet undisturbed time for yourself and pause. Get a paper and pen to write down these three questions. If it is safe for you to do so. As always, if you are driving, or working, please wait until you can do so safely. 

When you think of these questions, resist the urge to blurt out the first thing that comes to your mind. What may come to your mind could be superficial, listen to understand, rather than listening to respond. Let your inner voice come forward and be heard. This podcast is an opportunity to look deeper into something that is very meaningful and heart centered. These are three questions I asked all my clients in my coaching and healing business. 

Here we go. The first question is: What do you really want in your life? Say what you want and not something you don't want, but structure it as one. As an example, I don't want a mean unemployed life partner. Instead, say I want a partner who is thoughtful and kind who has a job or profession that he or she is passionate about. Do you see the big difference? The first example is running away from something where the second example is going towards something better. 

The second question is: What has prevented you from getting what you want in number one? Let me repeat that. The second question is what has prevented you from getting what you want in number one? 

And that leaves us with the third question. The third and final question is, what action can you take or what change can you make to take a step towards what you want? Let me repeat that again. What action can you take or what change can you make to take a step towards what you want? 

Please join me on Wednesday, October 20. for part two of three questions. I will be talking about more insights into these questions. In the meantime, spend some time really thinking about these questions and write down what comes to you. 

Thank you for joining me on this episode. Three questions, part one of two. I appreciate you taking the time to listen to this podcast. Please share it with anyone that you can think of that can benefit from this information. It would be an honor if you took the time to visit for more information about me and my services, that's There is a complimentary life balance wheel that you can sign up for if you choose. A Hui Hou, Malama Pono. Until we meet again, Take good care!