Create by Jeff Bow: Your Life, Your Way

Ai Kansha, Ai Kansha, Ai Kansha

Season 1 Episode 8

Have you ever wondered how you can shift your energy when you're having a bad day? Have you wanted to manifest your ultimate dream? What do these two questions have in common? 
This episode, Ai Kansha, answers these questions for you. It explores the ability to see truth through love and gratitude. 

Jeffery Bow  0:02 
How can the power of Ai Kansha make a difference in your life? Stay tuned as we explore the possibility.

Aloha, and welcome to Create Your Life Your Way. My name is Jeff bow and I'm here to serve you as a Healer, Master Certified Life Coach and Kahu. I will be sharing insights, tips and suggestions to support you on your healing journey. In essence, it's helping to bring you to a place of happiness, authenticity and truth. What do you say? Let's get started.

Aloha, and welcome to today's episode, Ai Kansha.  Ai Kansha translates from Japanese to English as love and gratitude. It is said three times for emphasis and power much like the Hawaiians do in their language. I first heard of the saying Ai Kansha from Masaru Emoto. I previously spoke about him on my podcast episode titled, Love versus Destruction: An Energy Profile. Masaru Emoto autographed his book Messages From Water with the salutation Ai Kansha. This was after his talk at the Aloha Theater in Kainaliu, Hawaii. Masaru's fame came after discovering and proving how energy influences water. He demonstrated this through the crystallization of water molecules influenced by negative and positive words and energy. The two most amazing water crystal structures were the ones that were shown love and gratitude. Imagine the power of Ai Kansha.

Love comes in many different forms. The basis and foundation of all love is unconditional love; that which comes from divine source or universal energy. The only conditions with love are those we placed on it and those come from the ego.

Let's take a look at Ai Kansha. Let's start with the word Ai. Although there are many types of Ai or love, and interpretations for this podcast, love is identified as pure, unconditional from divine source; that which is unlimited, indestructible, and within everyone. Kansha or gratitude for this podcast is in the energy of being thankful. Recognizing the blessings in your life.

There are so many stories and examples of how love and gratitude has helped people to heal. There is one story that stands out most in my mind. I wrote about it in my book. Stop Thinking Start Believing: How to Break Through Fear and Ignite Your Brilliance. It is a story about a mother and her newborn child. It is one of the most powerful stories that I have ever heard. In 2010. MSN today parenting did a story titled 'Moms Hug Revives Baby after being Pronounced Dead.' Kate and David Ogg were told that one of their twins named Jamie did not make it shortly after birth. Jamie was placed on Kate's chest so that she could say her last goodbyes. As she gently stroked and talk to Jamie for two hours, he began to gasp for air. As this continued, the doctors told them not to get their hopes up. Kate put some breast milk on her finger and put it in Jamie's mouth. He began to suck on her finger. Jamie came back to life. Her husband said Luckily, I've got a very strong, very smart wife. She instinctively did what she did. Jamie lived because of the magic of his mother's touch and the power of her love. This is truly a remarkable story. There are many other stories like this where the power of love has brought many back to life, cured of diseases or healed past trauma. Ask yourself, "how can I tap into the pure source energy of love?" "What does that look like?" "What does that feel like?" "What do I need to do, change or modify to be in that energy?"

Let's think about gratitude or Kansha for a moment. It would be easy to blame others for the things in your life that are not working or your current circumstances. Many people do this and live from a place of lack and victimhood. You could choose to be empowered by the simple act of gratitude. Recognizing the blessings in your life and not taking anything for granted, even if it seems small to you. There are many ways to do this. I like the simple good idea that Oprah Winfrey had. Write a gratitude journal. Keep a journal or tablet beside your bed and write down three things each night that you are grateful for from the day. Do this every night and soon you'll be looking for those things that are working, rather than not working. Ask yourself, "how can I tap into pure source energy of gratitude? What does that look like? What does that feel like? What do I need to do, change or modify to be in that energy?" 

Think about three things that you're grateful for at this present moment. Write it down if you're able to safely. Obviously, if you're driving, do not write it down. But you can say it out loud in your car. You can always come back to this podcast and listen to this again. So safety first, always, please. 

We all have lives where things happen that are out of our control. How do you change from an energy of destruction to an energy of Ai Kansha? I believe awareness is the key. Once we recognize that we are out of sync, we have the ability to change our thoughts, actions, and what we say and do. It is like learning a new skill. If you drive a car, think back to when you first started. I learned on a stick shift or standard car. There was a brake, clutch, gas pedal and shifter. You had to coordinate all that and look at where you were going, watch out for the other cars etc. With much practice it soon became automatic. Think about a learning experience in your life that was hard at the beginning but now it is second nature. It could be music, a new language, riding a motorcycle, driving a car, painting or many other experiences. 

Dr. Joe dispenza talks about creating a new reality in his 'Recipe for Manifesting from the Field.' He identifies two things. One, a clear intention- gotta know what you want. Two, an elevated emotion. You have to feel the emotion before it happens. If you cannot feel the emotion, try gratitude. It is the perfect signature emotionally. So as you can see Kansha or gratitude can help you to shift your emotional state. 

Living through love and gratitude is no different. If it is not something you are already doing consistently, it takes practice. For example, here's a practical application in your daily life. When you run across a mean, rude person or someone that cuts you off in traffic, choose to apply Ai Kansha instead of getting angry and frustrated. Bless the other person with love and gratitude. We never know what they could be going through at the moment. 

When you have the ability to change your energy, you can help to have a positive influence on others and further understand the deeper meaning of a current circumstance or situation. 

It may be easy to get influenced by society's propensity to focus on the negativity, mistakes and drama. It may be hard for you to resist you wanting to be inclusive in the majority. However, you have the power of Ai Kansha - the ability to see truth through love and gratitude. The power of choice. 

This is not about the fluffy, happy, unicorn delusional nothingness. This is about consciously making choices that lead to a level of higher consciousness and vibration. This is about overcoming obstacles, issues and problems with real solutions based on love and gratitude. It is a way to live with less stress and tension. 

So now's an opportunity to make a conscious decision to live through Ai Kansha. 

Thank you for joining me on this episode. Ai Kansha. I appreciate you taking the time to Listen to this podcast. Please share it with anyone that you can think of that may benefit from this information. It would be an honor if you took the time to visit, for more information about me and my services. That's S o, u, l, p, o,n, There is a complimentary life balance wheel that you can sign up for if you choose. 

A Hui Hou, Malama Pono. Until we meet again, take good care.