Create by Jeff Bow: Your Life, Your Way

Love vs Destruction - An Energy Profile

Season 1 Episode 3

This episode, Love versus Destruction: an energy profile, brings awareness to our energetic body. It highlights how it impacts our external world based on our internal energy profile. Energy radiates from the inside out.  So with this knowledge you can quickly shift your energy and current emotional state to one that best serves you. As a result, your outer world may experience changes accordingly. 

Jeffery Bow  0:02  
We often think about what we feed our physical bodies. How often are you aware of  what you're feeding your emotional body? Stick around for some interesting insights into emotional fitness.

Jeffery Bow  0:21  
Aloha, and welcome to Create, Your Life Your Way. My name is Jeff Bow and I'm here to serve you as a healer, master certified life coach and Kahu. I will be sharing insights, tips and suggestions to support you on your healing journey. In essence, it's helping to bring you to a place of happiness, authenticity and truth. What do you say? Let's get started.

Jeffery Bow  0:45  
E komo mai. Welcome to this episode, love versus destruction an energy profile. Today's episode is sponsored by the Happy Ohana Hale. The Happy Ohana Hale is the brainchild of Julia Estrella. It is a place that supports humanity through fun, faith, unity and nature. It honors those of the past, present and future. The energetic disposition is one of a family atmosphere or as we call it in Hawaii, ohana. The main purpose of the Happy Ohana Hale is to be an international resource and healing center for those wanting to live a happy, healthy and vibrant life. To connect people and resources and to share information that may be beneficial on their healing journey. It is their intent to be a support and to let each individual make their own decision and choices. Thank you Happy Ohana Hale for your sponsorship of today's episode.

Jeffery Bow  1:50  
Have you ever wondered why some people are so happy and they seem to be living their ultimate life. Maya Angelou says, I've learned that some people will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel. What's interesting is that sometimes we don't even know how we are affecting people. I believe that if we want to see our outer world change, we need to shift our internal energy. Energy radiates from the inside out. We all have an energy profile. Imagine it like an empty water bottle. Every day we fill it with either love or destruction, then carry it over to the next day. Things we say do or think about ourselves and others. It is either based on love or destruction with no in between. The in between are gray areas or excuses. Let me repeat that again. It is either based on love or destruction with no in between. The in between or gray areas are excuses. Think of love as clean water and destruction as muddy, dirty water. The Hawaiians believe that our Ku or subconscious doesn't know the difference if we're talking about ourselves or someone else. Our body accepts it as if it is our own. Think about a clerk or server who doesn't say anything. And you can tell whether they're happy or sad, upset or mad. Our energy introduces us before we even speak. I often hear parents say that I'm good at hiding my emotions from my kids. As you can see from the example above, that is not the case. Children and animals absorb the most negative energy. What type of energy are you sharing with your children? I have actually shown this to parents through muscle testing. I separate the parent and child in different rooms. I asked the parent to think of a food that the child does not like. Then I go into the other room and ask the child to just think of that parent. They will always test week that I have the parent think of a food that the child loves, and they will always test strong. This method works for couples too. So imagine your energy profile like the water bottle I mentioned previously. Picture the water bottle filled with 60% destruction and 40% love. Guess what your children are getting, your coworkers or your partner or significant other they will be getting 60% bad energy 40% good energy. Destructive comments, actions or thoughts create tension in the body. The opposite is true too. If there is 60% love and 40% destructive energy, that's what they will get.

Jeffery Bow  4:50  
We all have our good days and bad days. The key I believe is awareness. If you can catch yourself, you can change what you say do or think to a more serving action. The reason that your energy profile is important is because it influences your external environment. And I believe that if your energy profile or energetic body is filled with destruction, sooner or later, it will affect your physical well being. Most people that I've worked on that has physical elements have some unresolved emotional issues embedded in their cellular memory, if the sickness was not caused by an external, physical cause. An example of that would be exposure to pesticides, predisposed genetic issues, an injury, etc. What can you do? Here are three easy steps for you to follow. First, catch yourself. Awareness can bring change. Two, change the thought action, or what you said to a more loving and serving thought. And three, this is important, acknowledge yourself for having the awareness and making the change. 

Jeffery Bow  6:04  
Another thing that I have found helpful is an exercise that challenges you to focus on the good and what is working. It's called the seven day mental diet, by Emmett Fox, it is from the book, The Power of Constructive Thinking. The object is not to harbor any negative thoughts, actions or sayings, you have two to five minutes to acknowledge what you are feeling, then have to let it go. If you harbor longer than two minutes, then you go back to day one, the goal is to try and get to seven days. This is one of the hardest things that I have done. It showed me how much negativity I harbored or wasn't aware of that was in my life at the time. 

Jeffery Bow  6:51  
Think about your life. Imagine how your life would change if you filled your energy profile up with your positive energy and love. How much impact would you have on others without saying anything? Think about this. Remember what the airline says about the oxygen mask. Put your mask on first before helping others, even if there's a child next to you. Filling ourselves with love first and foremost is not selfish. It allows us to be better givers with a higher quality of what we give to others. One of the biggest misperceptions is that if we focus on love, does it mean that we ignore problems or issues? No. It means that we solve them through solutions in a way that is serving and of higher consciousness and vibration. Anger, hate, are low vibrations where love and gratitude would be high vibrations. 

Jeffery Bow  7:51  
Masaru Emoto in his groundbreaking book, Messages from Water showed that the crystals of water influenced with hate or anger were very bad. The water crystals of love and gratitude, were the most beautiful in structure and vibrance. According to the USGS website, in some organisms, up to 90% of their body weight comes from water, up to 60% of the human adult body is water. According to HH Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158 the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains about 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79% and even the bones are watery. 31% So based on Masaru Emoto's concept, imagine how much our thoughts influence our physical body. Are you putting love in what you say, think or Do? Or are you putting destructive thoughts into your body? It's an easy choice to make. When we realize the consequences of our actions. 

Jeffery Bow  9:05  
You have the power to create the life of your dreams. filling up your energy profile with love can be the catalyst to fulfilling and living your ultimate life. It doesn't matter what your current circumstances. Take responsibility for your future. Now is the moment of your power. Here are some action steps that you can follow. One, be aware of what you say think and do ask yourself are these things based on love or destruction. Two, if they are based on destructive energy, change the thought, action or what you said to a more loving energy that is serving. And three. Always remember to be kind to yourself and others.

Jeffery Bow  9:51  
I would like to thank to Happy Ohana Hale for sponsoring today's episode. Love versus destruction an energy profile. Stay tuned for my next episode, Huikala, the art of forgiveness. Please visit for more information about me and my services. That's,  A hui hou, Malama Pono.  Until we meet again, take good care.