Create by Jeff Bow: Your Life, Your Way

You are Never too Small to Dream Big: 8 Steps to Jumpstart Your Next Big Dream.

Season 1 Episode 1

Have you ever wondered what would support you and help take you to the next level? 

Now is your time to create the life you always dreamed of or to enhance the life you already have. You are Never too Small to Dream Big: 8 Steps to Jumpstart Your next Big Dream,  can help you to get started. 

Everyday is a new opportunity for you start again regardless of your past, your current circumstances or your financial situation. Today is the first step in moving forward and to look at how you can create the life you always dreamed of.  Now is the moment of your power! 

Thank you for joining me today and taking the time to listen to this episode:

You are Never too Small to Dream BIG

8 Steps to jump start your next big dream. 

I originally wrote this for a networking group in Seattle, WA but have modified this for you, couples and families as well. 

Remember when You had big dreams as a child. Now that you’re an adult, do you still have the curiosity and excitement to dream and create a life that resonates with you? 

Or, are you letting your circumstances dictate your future? I often hear people complaining about things that aren’t working in their life and they let their circumstances dictate their future. Does this sound familiar? This doesn’t have to be the case.

The magic of unlimited possibilities and big dreams are in you right now. You can access it at anytime you choose.

 Have you ever seen something on TV, in newspapers or magazines and thought, “Hey, I had that idea a long time ago!” Someone actually took their dream, turned it into a tangible idea and made it a reality. Perhaps as a business owner, entrepreneur or employee you once had a great idea but people said it would never work or it’s not the right time and they advised you to stick to your day job. You put up some resistance but eventually you let your dream fizzle.

You may have dreamed of your ultimate vacation which is great! But, What about how you would like to feel, live and be every day? What about relationships, physical surroundings, spirituality, extreme self-care, self-development and all other aspects of your life. 

If you need some help navigating this, you can go to, and get a complimentary life balance wheel to help get you started.  

I realize that some of you may have doubts… or question your ability to live your dream life. It doesn’t matter where you are financially, or what your current circumstance or history, you have the ability to change your destiny. Every day is a new opportunity to start over or to work closer towards your dream. You are Never too Small to Dream Big. 

In a 1996 Harvard Business Review article, Building Your Company’s Vision -written by James Collins and Jerry Porras, they penned the term BHAG 

B-H-A-G. A BHAG is a Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal. It is used to define visionary goals that are clear, compelling, vibrant and engaging. Collins and Porras used this in connection with successful companies and later used it in their book ‘Build to Last’. Although their research led them to big corporations, the validity of the concept can be used for creating         your… ultimate life.

Who switched the word?

The words dream and vision are interchangeable. Somewhere along the way as we got older, the word “dream” turned into an adult-word, “vision”. It came into play because it sounded businesslike and more legitimate. However, both versions are outstanding and I will be using both.

When was the last time you were inspired by all the unlimited possibilities?

Here are 8 steps to jump start your next big dream.

Now’s the time to press the pause button and Get a paper and pen or pencil and write this down or you can also view it in the podcast transcript. Obviously if you are driving, do not write anything. I want you to be safe. You can always go back later and review. Just listening may have a greater impact than writing depending on your learning style. 

The first of 8 steps is to:

1. Create a vision. 

 Where do you want to be? Create the biggest, most audacious vision you can think of and make it juicy. Make it drippingly juicy so that you can sense, feel and experience all the emotions that go along with experiencing your dream. 


Without a vision, we let our circumstances create our life. With a vision, we create our circumstances. In a business, a shared vision allows all the team players to know where the company is headed and what their future holds. Without this, life for the team becomes routine and a day-to-day experience. In your life, your family and friends can be your   team. Dr Joe Dispensa has done brain scans before and after people have created a vision that was more compelling than their circumstance. According to Joe, the research shows that the body doesn’t know if it is an actual experience or if something was created. Many people have been healed through this process. The results of this research are very important especially for those people that are told they cannot be helped

The 2nd of 8 steps

2nd Incorporate all parts of your life.

When creating a fabulous vision, imagine how other aspects of your life will be incorporated. As an example, if you have children, a spouse or partner, how do you see them in this jaw-dropping life you are creating? What about time for yourself, extreme selfcare? Remember what the airlines say “put  on your oxygen mask first before helping others”.

 The 3rd step Write it down - Legitimize yourself!

Pick a time where you will not be interrupted. Turn on your favorite music (or not) and write down an unedited, ultimate, juicy, sensual and moving description of your vision or dream. Remember, it is for this point of time in your life, and you can always change it in the future. You can also Create a Dream or vision board with pictures. 

The 4th step is to Incorporate what motivates you. 

If you are inspired by a quote, a picture or article, keep that with your written vision.

5th Chunk it down.

A lot of great ideas, leading edge technology and magnificent companies were never created because the dream was so big, the creator did not know how to manage it. 

Trying to jump from concept to realization and end goal is like trying to light a big log in the fireplace with a match. I invite you to start with the kindling. Break down your vision into smaller and more manageable pieces. What is your kindling? This is a really important concept. Example Ironman Triathlon   - What is the first small step that you can do to work towards your dream. 

 6th Create your road map. 

Using your internal GPS and knowledge, plan how you are going to get to where you would like to be. Seek out advice. Get involved in groups, social media and events in your field of interest. Some people like to use the intention and manifestation process and then let things happen organically. Some like to write a plan. Remember that your plan doesn’t have to be 50-100 pages. It could be one or two pages or whatever serves you. 

7th Do something, anything! – Take Action!!!

Action! Everyday do something that works on getting you closer to your vision. Some things may seem small but they may turn into big, brilliant fires that will ignite your passion. Start your day fueling your passion.

8th Acknowledge your progress.

Don’t let the bumps in the road define who you are. Keep moving forward. I can bet that right now, you are already doing things towards your vision. Take the time to acknowledge yourself for things that you are doing every day towards your vision. 

It’s Never too late no matter where you are in life!

Here are some examples to think about:

A former milk-shake, machine salesman, Ray Kroc, saw the potential to sell more mixers with every new restaurant that opened. At the age of 59, Ray purchased a company that we know today as McDonalds. The rest is history.

Harland Sanders, at the age of 65, found himself penniless. He went on the road to sell his chicken to restaurants trying to get them to buy his seasoning packets. Legend has it that there were 1009 no’s before he heard his first yes. 

It’s never too late. You can accomplish anything you want in life and at any age. You are the Source!

The bottom line is for you to create a life that brings you happiness and fulfillment. 

Now is your time! Take action

Here is a recap of the 8 steps to Jump Start Your Next Big Dream.

1.          Create a Vision or Dream

2.          Incorporate All parts of Your Life

3.          Write it Down

4.          Incorporate What Motivates You

5.          Chunk it Down

6.          Create Your Road Map

7.          Do Something, Anything. Take Action

8.          Acknowledge Yourself

 Stay tuned for my upcoming episode where I will be asked impromptu questions on healing. 

You can visit Create by Jeff for more podcast episodes or that’s to learn more about me and my offerings. 

Have a great day!

A Hui Hou, Malama Pono, 

Until we meet again, Take good Care!